Saturday 23 August 2008

Abominable Snowman

This creature has many names but the most well known is the Abominable Snowman. You may have come to know him as Yeti, The Great Bear, or Raksha (Sanskrit for demon) but do not get him confused with Bigfoot or Sasquatch. That is another beast that is under completely different studies for what he actually is. Why is the word "snowman" in his name? The Himalayas, the biggest mountain range in the world, is extremely cold with snow and ice all around. It is hard to believe that this creature might be partly human, if it can survive such a cold, harsh climate.

Absent Healing

Absent Healing is a form of healing that takes place when the the person giving the healing is not in direct contact with the person to be healed.

Absent Sitter

Absent Sitter, is simply that, a clairvoyant, medium, psychic or even a healer, will do the messege or healing with out the actual sitter being there. They could be in another room or even another building.


Afterlife, the spirit world, the spirit of a person living on after the physical body has long gone. Clairvoyants, mediums communicate with those in the spirit world, the afterlife, bringing messeges to those here on the earth plane.

Age of Aquarius

Age of Aquarius : The Age of Aquarius can mean the end of an era, (age of Pisces) and the beginning of another. Many feel the Age of Aquarius heralds the coming of the "end of times" as written in the Bible, others feel it is the dawning of the "new world order". Whatever it means it is still mysterious, and opinions differ widely in the Astrology community. "The Age of Aquarius is one of 12 successive 2150-year periods, each of which corresponds with one of the 12 signs of the zodiac. In the same manner in which individuals born at different times of the year are thought to be dominated by different astrological signs, astrologers also tend to view different historical periods as being dominated by the influence of particular signs. For the past several thousand years, Earth, according to this view, has been passing through a period dominated by the sign Pisces (the Age of Pisces). This succession of ages is based on a phenomenon known as the precession of equinoxes.


Akasha is believed by some mystical doctrines to be a mystical, spiritual substance where "memories" are stored since the beginning of time. It is one of the five elements in Hindu philosophy and is often described as a form of atmosphere or ether. The Akasha is thought by some to contain a record of everything that has ever happened, but also everything that will ever come to pass in the future. Theosophists believe that persons with special psychic powers can tap into the Akasha or "Astral Light". They achieve this by using their astral bodies or "astral senses" to search for spiritual insights which have been stored for all eternity.

Akashic Records

A theosophical term referring to an universal filing system which records every occurring thought, word, and action. The records are impressed on a subtle substance called akasha (or Soniferous Ether). In Hindu mysticism this akasha is thought to be the primary principle of nature from which the other four natural principles, fire, air, earth, and water, are created. These five principles also represent the five senses of the human being.
Some indicate the akashic records are similar to a Cosmic or collective consciousness. The records have been referred to by different names including the Cosmic Mind, the Universal Mind, the collective unconscious, or the collective subconscious. Others think the akashic records make clairvoyance and psychic perception possible.


The art of alchemy was handed down through the centuries from Egypt and Arabia to Greece and Rome, and finally to western and central Europe. The word is derived from the Arabian phrase "al-kimia," which refers to the preparation of the Stone or Elixir by the Egyptians. The Arabic root "kimia" comes from the Coptic "khem" that alluded to the fertile black soil of the Nile delta. Esoterically and hieroglyphically, the word refers to the dark mystery of the primordial or First Matter (the Khem).Simplified, the aims of the alchemists were threefold: to find the Stone of Knowledge (The Philosophers' Stone), to discover the medium of Eternal Youth and Health, and to discover the transmutation of metals. To the medieval alchemist’s mind the different elements were but the same original substance in varying degrees of purity. Gold was the purest of all and silver followed closely.In the early days of alchemy, the astronomical signs of the planets were also used as alchemical symbols. Then in the centuries of medieval persecution and suppression every alchemist invented his own secret symbols. Charlatans, quacks and cheats took over and alchemy became, along with sorcery and witchcraft, infamous for fraud and extortion. In the 18th century scientists tried to pry loose the real achievements in chemistry, pharmacology and medicine from this confusing cornucopia of science and magic.


Aliens, extra terrastrial beings from another planet, people from other countries are often called aliens. Term often used to describe from another area or dimension.

Alien Abduction

The term "abduction phenomenon" describes claims of non-human creatures kidnapping individuals and temporarily removing them from familiar terrestrial surroundings. People alleged to have been abducted are called "abductees" or "experiencers." The abductors, usually interpreted as being extraterrestrial life forms, are said to subject experiencers to a forced medical examination that emphasizes the alleged experiencer's reproductive system. Some aspects of the phenomenon are more benign, however, as the alleged entities often warn against environmental abuse and the dangers of nuclear weapons, consequently, while many of these purported encounters are described as terrifying, some have been viewed as pleasant or transformative.


Allopathy: The system of medical practice which treats disease by the use of remedies which produce effects different from those produced by the disease under treatment. MDs practice allopathic medicine.
The term "allopathy" was coined in 1842 by C.F.S. Hahnemann to designate the usual practice of medicine (allopathy) as opposed to homeopathy, the system of therapy that he founded based on the concept that disease can be treated with drugs (in minute doses) thought capable of producing the same symptoms in healthy people as the disease itself.Allopathy: The system of medical practice which treats disease by the use of remedies which produce effects different from those produced by the disease under treatment. MDs practice allopathic medicine.

Alpha Rhythm

Alpha Rhythm a pattern of smooth, regular electrical oscillations in the human brain. These normally occur when a person is awake and relaxed. The machine used to record these waves is called an electroencephalograph, or EEG. Alpha Rhythms have a frequency of 8 to 13 hertz. Also called alpha wave.


Alphabiotics is about: practicality, consciousness, intelligence, self-realization, congruence, integrity, creativity, service, human potential, balance, wellness, longevity, subtle energy, self healing, principle, mind-body-spirit, inner peace, life force, truth, right intent, ethics, integrity, and what works.Alphabiotics is the most scientific and effective helping system on the planet today. There are no negative side effects, only positive benefits. Alphabiotics works and that's what counts. It has stood the test of time and the personal investigation of literally hundreds of thousands of people.

Alpha Wave

Alpha Wave
A brain wave with a frequency of between 14 and 50 cycles per second, related to relaxation and dream states. Through biofeedback machines, subjects can learn to produce alpha waves and induce altered states of consciousness. During the 1970s, many thought alpha waves to be especially associated with ESP and worked on producing them as a means of assisting people with psychic development. Today, that enthusiasm has waned

Alpine Tatzelworm

Alpine Tatzelworm is described as being between 60 - 90 cm or 2 - 3 feet in length and having the thickness of a man's arm. The creature is believed to be an undiscovered species of amphibian or reptile. It is thought to dwell in the Swiss, Bavarian and Austrian Alps of central Europe.The local people refer to it as the Tatzelworm (clawed worm) or stollenworm (hole dwelling worm). There have been many differing stories about limb counts. Some descriptions suggest that the species has only a single, front pair of legs, some say it has two pairs of legs and some say it has no limbs at all.


Amulets are items worn to protect their wearer by their religious associations, a religious equivalent to armour. In ancient Egypt any item of jewellery is likely to have some amuletic function in addition to its aesthetic, economic and social values. The religious significance may have varied from user to user, and for each individual according to the moment in their lives. It is difficult to assess the relative importance of the amuletic or religious aspect against these other aspects of the item worn. In Egyptology the word amulet is therefore generally reserved for bodily adornments of unambiguous religious form or context.

Ancestor worship

Ancestor worship occurs in ancient cultures all over the world, and even in modern times it plays an important role in primitive religions. It is founded on the belief that the dead live on and are able to influence the lives of later generations. These ancestors can assert their powers by blessing or cursing, and their worship is inspired by both respect and fear. The ancestor cult consists of praying, presenting gifts, and making offerings. In some cultures, people try to get their ancestors' advice through oracles before making important decisions.
In ancient China and Egypt, the influence of ancestors was very great. They were buried in expensive graves and in Egypt a permanent death cult was instituted. It was generally believed that the lack of veneration would cause the deceased to die a second death, which was for many people an almost unbearable thought.
In nearly every primitive tribal religions of Africa ancestor worship is common practice. The ancestors of the tribe are honored as spirits who preserve the moral standards of tribal life. They are also regarded as the intermediaries between the living and the divine powers. And the ancestor spirits play an important role in the initiation rites. Among some west-African peoples the belief is current that the ancestors reincarnate in their descendants.

Ancestral Being

Ancestral Being are spirit entities from the early days of the world, according to the Dreamtime or Creation myths of Australia's aboriginal tribes. Modern science dismisses these ideas as purely the stuff of fantasy but many aboriginals firmly believe in their continued existence.The Wirajuri aboriginals from the central west of New South Wales believe in a hairy dog-like creature known as the mirri or mirriuula. it is thought to frequent some of the lonelier regions and rivers. Once seen these creatures are said to appear quite small but begin to grow before your eyes as you begin to stare. danger is associated some mirri dogs because they are thought to follow their victims with a view to enticing them into the depths of their river or even killing them. The Wiradjuri also believe in the yuurri which are hairy little men and women, with sharp teeth and long fingernails, standing approximately (3 feet) tall with the males having long beards.

Ancient Anomalies

Ancient Anomalies are ancient artifacts which just don't appear to fit in with the accepted view of archaeology or history. for example in Antelope Spring in Utah a 500 million year old fossil has been found which is said to reveal a trilobite crushed by a sandaled foot. Archaeology suggests that man was not walking the earth at this time let alone wearing sandals hence the anomaly.

Ancient Astronauts

The term 'Ancient Astronauts' generally refers to extraterrestrials who came to Earth and were in some way responsible for seeding the human race.
There are references to these entities in the bible, in ancient art and other texts. They are all linked with myths about creation found in all ancient civilizations.
As we search to find the truth behind the illusion, who created the human race, or biogenetic experiment, we look to those who came from the stars, ancient astronauts, creational gods, for our answers. All is theory, virtual reality, consciousness, and for the most part not provable, subject to the interpretation of the researcher or experiencer.
Most of us would love to find evidence of ancient astronauts, be visited by friendly aliens who could enlighten us to our true creational blueprint. Throughout the history of the human drama, we find all sorts of evidence that makes us think, believe, and quest for the greater truth. They are all just myths, legends, and theories...


Angel a spiritual being that is believed to be much more powerful than a human. Angels are composed of ethereal matter, thus allowing them to take on whichever physical form best suits their immediate needs. In Christian, Muslim, Jewish and other theologies an angel can be one who acts as a messenger, attendant or agent of God.

Angel Magic

Angel Magic Since man has held a belief in angels he has also tried to harness their help and power for his own ends. There are generally two ways in which believers try to do this and these methods are called evocation or invocations.Evocations are special spells that use a variety of different tools to invoke a physical appearance or manifestation of an angel. Some of these tools might include: incense, candles, books, knives and circles drawn upon the floor. However the component(s) may vary according to the type of spell being used. Incense is one of the more frequently used tools as there is a belief that the ethereal smoke is required as a substance in which the angel may make itself seen.Invocations are very similar to evocations, however there is one main difference; i.e., the person trying to summon the angel tries to persuade it to enter their body as opposed to physically appearing. This is so they can communicate. Although far more dangerous it is considered an easier thing to do.


Angelolatry is simply the worship of angels, paying homeage to them.


Angelology is the study of angels. There are many unbiblical views of angels in the world today. Some believe angels are human beings who have died. Others believe that angels are impersonal sources of power. Still others entirely deny the existence of angels. A good biblical understanding of Angelology will correct these incorrect beliefs. Angelology tells us what the Bible says about angels. It is a study of how the angels relate to humanity and serve God's purposes.


Angelophany, basically meaning the appearance of an angel to man, man seeing an angel.

Angels of Mons

In 1914, as German troops advanced through Belgium, they met at Mons with the British Expeditionary Force. Ill-prepared and vastly outnumbered, the British troops were forced to retreat, with little hope of saving the lives of those at the Front. It was in these circumstances that many of the wounded and dying soldiers, brought back from the Western Front, reported having been rescued by strange angelic forms in the sky that protected them from massacre.
Since then The Angels of Mons has remained one of the best-known legends of 20th century warfare, but the mystery remains. Did British soldiers really see angels, saints and bowmen leading them against the Germans? Or were the stories the result of hallucinations experienced by battle-wearing men, carefully planted propaganda or simply the misinterpretation of a short story in a London evening newspaper

Animal Magnetism

Animal Magnetism a special personal power, presence, punitive force or fluid which can be transmitted from one person to another. Animal magnetism can also be a force from an individual which helps to facilitate the hypnotism of others. It is sometimes associated with healing. The term was originally coined by F.A. Mesmer and can also mean a form of magnetic personal charm and sex appeal.

Animal mutation

Mutations are random changes in the genetic information of an organism. These lead to new varieties and traits in an organism. Most are harmful, but a few are neutral or even beneficial.There are two main types of genetic mutations: a point mutation and a frameshift mutation. In a point mutation, one of the bases(chemicals) in the chain of DNA is replaced by a different base. In a frameshift mutation, one base pair is "deleted," so it throws off all of the codons(triplets) in the DNA sequence, leading to different proteins that are usually useless or harmful.

Animal PSI

Also known as ANPSI, the apparent ability of clairvoyance, precognition,ESP, telepathy etc within animals.

According to research there are five types of PSI with in animals, the ability to sense impending danger, to sense when a beloved owner is being harmed or death is imminent, even at a distance,to be able to sense the arrival of an owner, the ability to find it's way home over a long distance and through umfamiliar territory nd to be able to find one's owner when seperated by a great distance.


The term animism is derived from the Latin word anima meaning breath or soul. The belief of animism is probably one of man's oldest beliefs, with its origin most likely dating to the Paleolithic age. From its earliest beginnings it was a belief that a soul or spirit existed in every object, even if it was inanimate. In a future state this soul or spirit would exist as part of an immaterial soul. The spirit, therefore, was thought to be universal.

Announcing Dream

Announcing Dream, in laymans terms basically a dream of rebirth, finding ones self. These dreams can also be classed as premonition dreams, dreams of things to come, away of finding solutions.

Anomalous Cognition

Anomalous Cognition (AC) -- A form of information transfer in which all known sensorial stimuli are absent. In this process some individuals are able to gain access to information from events outside the range of their senses by a currently not understood mechanism. Several synonyms for this phenomenon are in use: Remote Viewing (RV), Clairvoyance, and ESP.

Anomalous experience

Anomalous experiences imply that the "experient" (the person having the experience), experiences it as of paranormal, psychic or bizarre kind such that it cannot easily be explained using our conventional laws of science. This does not imply that the experience truly is paranormal or psychic. Most of the time, there are physical, psychological, or statistical explanations. ESP or extrasensory perception is the most well known term for one kind of anomalous experience. It refers to communication of information without using one's conventional physical senses.

Anomalous Peturbation

Anomalou peturbation another term for psychokinesis. Psychokinesis (PK)
Psychokinesis is the process of moving or otherwise affecting physical objects by the mind only, without making any physical contact.
For example, Uri Geller claims he can bend keys and spoons, and stop watches with his thoughts. Others claim to be able to make pencils roll across a table by a mere act of will.
The variety of magic tricks used to demonstrate psychokinetic powers is impressive.
Scientists have been investigating PK since the mid-19th century but with little success at demonstrating that anyone can move even a feather without trickery involving something as simple and obvious as blowing on objects to move them.

Anomalous Phenomena

Anomalous Phenomena means "bizzare or inexplicable events" things that happen for no apparent reason. Sudeden appearances or disappearances of objects or things like, knowing you definately locked a back door before going out, you checked it even got a partner to check, yet when you returned home the door was unlocked, or you left an object some where so you could find it easily, only to go and retrieve sed object to find it has moved.


Achieving true antigravity has been the "Holy Grail" of many propulsion researchers and experimenters since man first dreamed of flight. It's the aeronautics equivalent of the alchemist's quest to turn lead into gold. True antigravity would revolutionize air travel and space exploration. But is it possible? Or is it an impossibility that renders all such research fruitless and pointless? It's worth remembering that less than 100 years ago, space travel, not to mention going to the moon, were deemed impossible by much of the scientific community.


Apparition, something that appears suddenly, it is not of this world or in solid form and can disappear as suddenly as it appears. Many have claimed to see various apparitions from the Virgin Mary to people in their own famillies. Many claim efore an apparition appears the atmosphere in the room or area changes and temperatures drop dramatically, these apparitions are more commonly known as "ghosts" Some claim to see either a "mist" or an outline of a person or describe them as a "shadow".

The Archangels

The Archangels knowns as Michael,Raphael,Gabriel,Uriel,Remiel,Sariel and Anael were created by God to be the divine link between humans and God.

These divine messengers were created to be the attlers against the sons of Darkness.

They were the Eighth choir of angels out of the nine choirs that were created.

Astral Body

Astral Body is the spiritual, ether-like counterpart of the physical body. The body is composed of astral material and is an exact energy duplication of the physical form that it encompasses. This energy body is attached to the physical body, usually at the naval, by a silver-like cord. The astral body accompanied by the mind is capable of travel during period in which the physical body sleeps. Such an act is referred to as "astral projection."

Astral Plane

Astral Plane the word astral on its own means relating to, resembling or emanating from the stars. The astral plane however can be likened to the Akasha, namely a place where all the thoughts, memories, fantasies and dreams of everyone in the world exist. The astral plane is thought to be a fantastic place to travel in, with many different travelers, entities and levels to it. It is said to operate at a much higher frequency than the physical plane we inhabit.It is thought that the etheric body, spirit or mind can travel on the astral plane which is said to appear more solid than the physical plane we all inhabit, this is because in order to travel it the etheric body has to be existing and operating at the same higher frequency. The astral plane is believed to be far more mutable than the physical and is said to be changed and altered simply by the power of thought.

Friday 22 August 2008

Astral Projection

In astral projection the conscious mind leaves the physical body and moves into the astral body. The astral body is one of our subtle bodies.
Some people can astral project naturally. Others are afraid to leave the physical body and never are able to astral project. An alternative approach is remote viewing.
In astral projection you remain attached to your physical body by a silver "umbilical type" cord. Some people see the cord and others do not.
You are aware of things you encounter along the way while out of your body.
To astral project, as with all out-of-body experiences - one must feel totally relaxed, clothing fitting comfortable, reclining is best. Often a comforter is best over the body as the physical body sometimes gets cold when you travel out.

Astral Spirit

Astral Spirit n : the word astral on its own means relating to, resembling or emanating from the stars. Astral spirits are those formerly thought to inhabit heavenly or celestial objects for example stars or planets. Astral spirits in the Middle Ages were represented as spirits of the dead, spirits that originated in fire and also as fallen angels.


(possibly from Scandinavian, Altland - "old land") A legendary land said to have existed in the North Sea between Great Britain and Scandinavia. The pseudopigraphic Oera Linda Book make some reference to Atalland or Atland which was destroyed by a major catastrophic event about 2300 BC.


The story of Atlantis begins quite literally with two of Plato s dialogues, Timaeus and Critias. These accounts are the only known written records which refer specifcally to a lost civilization called Atlantis. Many people believe the tale to be complete fiction, the creation of a philosopher's imagination used to illustrate an argument. Others believe that the story was inspired by catastrophic events which may have destroyed the Minoan civilization on Crete and Thera. Still others maintain that the story is an accurate representation of a long lost and almost completely forgotten land.


Augury is an ancient form of divination. The practice was performed in ancient Rome by priests called augurs. It entailed the interpretation of auspices, that is the movement of birds and/or the movement of animals. Also included in this form of divination was the interpretation of the significance of thunder and lightening. Those signs on the augur's left or east side denoted a favorable outcome, while those on the right pointed to an ill-omen. This method of divination was practically unknown in ancient Mesopotamia and Palestine.


The Aura is the energy field of the life-force and appears to mediums and those with clairvoyant vision as a fibrous light that surrounds living things. This ethereal light emanation also surrounds us and extends from two to three feet in all directions from the body. The colours of the aura are a good indicator of a person's disposition, health and spirituality. The Aura is many coloured and flows and moves with you, changing colour with your moods, feelings and spiritual condition.

Automatic Art

Automatic Art a form of both automatism and dissociation, whereby a person can often produce works of art without them being consciously aware that they had done it. In certain cases clairvoyants sometimes claim to be able to produce pictures of people's deceased loved ones in a similar manner.

Automatic writing

Since the early days of Spiritualism, automatic writing has been accepted as a way for trance mediums, and sometimes ordinary people, to receive communications from the spirit world. Man has always longed to communicate with the spirits and thanks to the founding of the Spiritualist movement, he now had a method of doing so.
Automatic writing is essentially writing that is done in an altered state of consciousness that is attributed to spirits of the dead. It is believed by some that the spirits literally manipulate the writing utensil in the hands of the medium to communicate, as the writer is often unaware of what is being written and often even scrawls out text in handwriting that is markedly different than his own.


Atavisms are traits of distant ancestors that reappear in the modern day. In order for the trait to be an atavism, an organism's parents can't have the trait, and neither can recent ancestors. The atavism you've probably heard of most often? The human tail. It's not just a gag to pull in a Farrelly brothers movie -- it really happens. There are two kinds of human tails, however: the pseudo-tail and the much rarer, true human tail.


The definition of Astrology is something along the lines of :the study of correlations of celestial events that pass 'behaviours' to earth, which are unable to be explained by gravity, magnetics or other scientific forces that are currently understood by Man

Used for thousands of years, astrology has always been receievd with a modicum of scepticism. With roots back to times when science was not understood, nowadays, many people only see astrology as a fun newspaper column or game show sideline. Consider also that as Astrology is the study of a correlation between celestial events and earth behaviours - how can you explain the link and physical effect between the two? To date, there is not scientific proof that astrology works. However, there are obsevations and theories where analysis by scientists of earth behaviours at a time when celestial events occur has produced correlations between the two. Maybe not so unscientific? But compare to the scientific theory and fact relating to gravity - still an unknown